Many thanks to the Richard Charles Lee Canada-Hong Kong Library @rclchkl at the University of Toronto and the Building Roots @buildingrootsto team for launching a Chinese BookCrossing pilot program. This event not only allows us to read in a familiar language but also serves as a bridge to our culture.
Additionally, I would like to express my gratitude to the great Torontonians for providing a culturally diverse environment where various cultures can blend and coexist, enriching our lives with endless colours.
非常感謝多倫多大學利銘澤典宬 @rclchkl 以及 Building Roots @buildingrootsto 團隊開展中文漂書先導計劃。此一活動不僅讓我等華文讀者能夠用熟悉的語言閱讀,更是連接自身文化的橋樑。此外,亦要感謝多倫多此一城市,為我們提供充滿文化多樣性的土壤,讓各種文化在此交融、共生,為我們生活增添無限色彩。
